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Does the lockpicking actually work? I've been trying for an hour now loadaing a save and I can't seem to understand it, I hear the click, i press LMB and turn clockwise, but nothing they just break

nvm ironically i just got it, maybe it's a bug? sometimes when you click and follow the steps, the lock pick doesnt move, but jusst not while clicking, the lock pick started moving? idk.

It's not, you just need to get used to this mechanic.

good to see youre working on it :) i appreciate your effort. youre doing great


Hey! Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'm glad you like the game ;) By the way, new update is gonna be released this weekend. It's already available in private version but may contain bugs, which I'm fixing right now :)

Hey Catinmask, i'm coming back to say how good your project is going, i'm playing this new version that you released and gotta say that the improvements are notable. The graphics, the house polishments, the gameplay, so man keep the amazing work and i know you gonna get the deserved success with this game.


Hey! Thanks a lot, I really appreciate that :) And can you please rate the game?

Done,5 stars man, i'm eager for more of this game!

Thanks a lot! I think next update would be released in March so stay tuned ;)

Привет! Игра очень понравилась, жду следующих обновлений, но у меня вопрос, как пройти этот квест? Я на втором скрине показал
где как мне кажется место первого красного куста и на третьем место под которым должен быть мешок, иначе я нигде не могу найти, можете подсказать? 

Привет. Вам следовало идти прямо, а не сворачивать вправо:

Огромное спасибо !!!

А можете ещё подсказать, где я могу найти Рыжики?

В лесу под деревьями. Есть несколько у второго схрона в лесу, там костёр и мешок и рядом с этим схроном есть три штуки под деревьями. Его можно найти если при выходе из деревни (основной/северный) пойти на северо-запад. Также в северном лесу встречаются.


Will this game be available on Mac?

Hey! I can't say right now. To port it on Mac I need to have Mac at least for testing the build.

where do i find soapwort roots, i cant seem to find it.

You can find some near the village (closer to the water side), and also left to the path to the forest (where the first wolf spawns).

Is Malagdaer not in 0.1? Or is there something I'm missing? After I kill the wolves for Alice, she says a merchant arrived while I was away, but Malagdaer and Brynja aren't there. Is there a sequence of events I need to do before I do her wolf-killing quest?


Hey! Malagdaer does not spawn in demo build, sorry

Балин, очень круто - один из лучших NSFW-проектов, которые щупал на сайте.

Но есть одно "но"... Я не понимаю, как работает голод. Тут кто-то уже писал, что подыхает с голодухи, хотя всё сожрал - у меня то же самое. Недельный запас продуктов схавал - один чёрт у персонажа "средний голод". Я чего-то не понимаю или это баг...?

Привет. У еды есть параметр "длительность" и он отвечает за то насколько долго будет перевариваться еда. Если у еды написано +6 Еда и 60 длительность значит она будет восстанавливать 6/60 = 0.1 единицы еды в секунду пока еда не усвоится.

i think problem is in start. You must eat really much everything to dont starve, you cant sleep, etc. I must eat lot of pumpkins and after, cooked wolf meat. If you have knife from quest, you can easy kill wolves, but need bandage to stop bleeding and some healing.

Вроде чуть понял, спасибо. Но, имхо, было бы лучше, если бы механики были интуитивно понятнее, - хотя я уважаю ваше видение и внимание к деталям. :)

Было бы удобно (хотя бы в формате опции), чтобы шкалы голода, жажды и т.д. можно было посмотреть в числах. А то получается, что в описании айтема написано, например, "+3 еда" - но я как игрок не понимаю, что это значит: мне не видны цифры в шкале, - я не знаю, много это +3 или мало, хватит этого или нет. 
Может, я туплю и это можно посмотреть, но все эти характеристики неинформативны, если из них невозможно прикинуть, чего и сколько нужно. 

Ещё вопрос: а как бить пауков...? Ощущение, словно с топором да в рубахе они убивают слишком быстро, чтобы даже успеть сориентироваться... 

Надеюсь, что претензии и вопросы вас не оскорбляют - они оттого, что игра понравилась не только за NSFW-контент. ;D

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Я хочу сделать отображение статов (голод, жажда...) как отдельный перк для большего интереса. А так макс. значение голода = 100 (без учёта переедания что чуть выше) и если бы я писал не +3, а +3%, то это может ввести в ступор уже других игроков. И да, я ускорю переваривание пищи, чтобы убрать недопонимание.
С пауками могут быть проблемы если используете оружие с маленьким радиусом. Советую попробовать перейти на мечи или дубины, одна, кстати, есть в хранилище (думаю Вы её не заметили :D). У этих типов оружия выше радиус атаки, но и затраты сил на удар выше.
И да, нет проблем, это не претензии, а Ваше мнение на некоторые моменты игры и причём вполне адекватное :)

Звучит интересно.
А насчёт хранилища - я, собственно, даже не понял, где оно... 

Там где крысы по квесту Йотры, где ещё надо было замок взламывать

actual seaweed recipe pleas? :)

ah, ok. Thank you. I tried well, but didnt have pot.. Where i can get pot please? I have only kettle and frying pan

Near the second stash in the campfire. On can find it near the forest on the north-west.

i found only two stashes and one campfire and no pot

The stash on the first screenshot has cooking pot, and in the campfire you can get frying pan...

First of all, I like the Game but right now .. I can't continue to play..

Because im out of food and always starve to death. I dont even have money left, even good meals do nothing and the hunger bar stays all the time red on the critical hunger level. Do I do something wrong?

Its a bummer I would like to continue playing :s


Hey! Thanks for you feedback. When you eat food your food meter does not replenished instantly but takes some time (check food duration value). But still I know about this problem and gonna publish patch soon. Also I can fix your save so not keep you waiting, just send me your save file to my discord: Catinmask

im stuck with smith nails.. i have only black ore and dark grey ore.

when i put dark grey to blacksmith, just dissapear, black ore i cant put in. I have no options for melting just add the ore and start smithing, when i click both with dark grey, just dissapear and nothing happened 

Any advice pls?

Get at least 2 iron ore (grey), add them to the blacksmith

set the mold for smelting like in the recipe and start smelting. I would improve UI and this mechanic in the future updates.

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thank you, worked.. (in recipe u need clay i think, in game not)

btw: great game

I got stuck. Starter quests appear to be missing criticle elements making them uncompletable. I am asked to check a fishing basket for fish by the pier, but there is no basket. In another I am asked to make a potion that requires the ingredients to be ground in a motor and pestle but the alchemist does not have that.

Here's fishing basket location. And no Shaartan does not have mortar so use instruments she has, you'r gonna need to find it in future quest.

Now I'm stuck on the lock picking part. Can't figure it out and once you run out of lock picks there is no way to proceed further as the blacksmith won't talk to me about anything else.

Also can't find the bathhouse.


I will rebalance the lockpicking in the next update, but now it's up to you. Try saving before lockpicking. And the bathhouse is the closest house to the water

I'm kind of confused on how to use a fishing net, I helped the mermaid out rather than keeping the fish and I've fixed the net but I can't use it in any body of water

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It's a quest item, you only need it for the quest.

(2 edits) (+1)

just downloaded this game today, i thought i would share my experience. had a great time playing it... very fun, the story of being teleported from another world, and then rescued by the villagers was a good plot.

i did have a few problems with the game itself...

one, i didn't manually save the first few times, and lost progress, so that kind of sucked... but saving manually before fights and in situations where you think you might die (like running out of food), just manually save so that doesn't happen.

second, the combat felt kind of buggy, i don't know if i was doing damage or not to the enemy's, until they dropped dead, and then i knew i was doing damage. so maybe a health bar (setting) toggle, on mobs would be nice in the future.

another thing was, because of the weird manual saving, one of my quests actually didn't complete. let, me explain... so, the quest where you have to kill the spiders, and then go block the nest. i actually completed that and ended up saving the game after, that way i made sure i wouldn't need to start that over if something happened... and somewhere down the line, the quest didn't actually complete itself something happened in the game while i was playing and now, even tho i completed all of that, the game says i need to go block the spider nest off still... even tho i had already completed that part of the quest.

so, that kind of sucked, because i think i needed that to be completed and i might have to start the entire game over now.

i know there probably won't be a fix to this, but i just thought i would share my experience playing the game today, it was a lot of fun and i really enjoyed the game, i will most likely have to start the entire game over tho because of that quest glitch... like i said i am pretty sure it happened while i was saving the game after completing the quest. so, i think having and auto save, might be nice in the game so, it could potentially prevent that. but i am not to sure when it even happened to begin with, i was so focused on doing other task that, by the time i went to the lady to give her the spider fangs she said i needed to block the nest off again, and i already had done that... 

so, its whatever. but had a really good time playing, graphics were amazing, lots of plants and ores to collect around the world... its good, i would give it a solid 9/10... could use some improvement but other than that i would recommend it!

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Hey! Thanks a lot for your feeback! Most of the bugs you've mentioned are already fixed (don't forget it's a public build and it's 1 year old already), but thanks anyway. And if you forget to save manually then use quick saves (F5 by default), they have index system and you can use up to 10 (or 20 don't quite remember how much in this build) before the game starts rewriting older quicksaves.

And by the way I'm gonna upload new build soon (I hope to finish all in this month) I'm only need to finish adult animations so not much left... but for now you can check some new stuff I've already added to the game (check video).

And don't forget that you can rate my game, it helps me a lot ;)

how do you get nettle stems

Hey! You can get them by collecting nettles, but they drop with some random chance. Higher Alchemy skill levels will increase their drop chances.

which tree in the field at the start of game

Hey! Sorry, but I don't understand your question. Can you please add more details?

it says collect 3 chamomile flowers and it grows in a field under a tree opposite felis village and i have no clue where that is


Hey I played this game a while ago and noticed it got an update earlier this year, started a new save and now all the recipes I find are torn up around the amount of ingredients needed is there a way to figure this out or is this just how it is now? Need the chamomile potion for the sleep quest 

Hey! Yes, this how it works now. Sometimes you may find recipes in game world but they may be in a bad condition so you either try to craft this way or try buying better quality recipe from the trader. And as far as I remember you need water + 3 chamomile flowers.

Alright thanks for the info, I'll try it again see if I can craft it, and maybe check the trader for another copy of it if not. Also worth mentioning I was a little confused about the other ingredients (2 flowers I could not find anywhere)

The 2 other flowers is not added yet but recipe would work just fine with some minimal ingredients (in this case water+ chamomile flowers)

Thanks again, you were right. So for now I think I finished all the content in the latest build and can't wait to see how much has changed in the 0.1 update :D

Is there plans to update this version with a newer version anytime soon?

I can't subscribe on boosty, as it seems to reject US cards, and Paypal has been nixed from the site.

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Hey! I hope to finish all planned work in about month or two and start closed testing. And after testing is finished and fixing found bugs I would update the game to version 0.1. I'm gonna be adding more devlogs so you could get more news about the project.

And yeah... I've switched from patreon to boosty because I could not withdraw any money from it for about 3 years, and now boosty has problems with paypal so yeah... what a luck

Разработчик красавчик, скайрим с сиськами но без модов сделать самому - это еще как извернуться надо, не представляю. Жду с нетерпением обновлений и буду следить теперь за этой игрой активно :)

Очень понравилась озвучка жителей деревни, пусть ее и мало. Хотелось бы видеть пасхалочки на краях карты или на горе например, если игра останется в подобном виде. Еще не смог найти щипцы и серьги для русалки, пришлось покупать. Заметил что мобы подходят прям впритык к игроку, хотя дальность атаки у них явно больше, что как-то неприятно выглядит на фоне сносной боевки. А еще на меня не напал мертвец в деревне, хотя в диалоге это было. Так же не нашел ингредиенты для снотворного на карте, только в деревне готовое и не представляю каким кулинарным гением надо быть чтобы понять что-то из рецепта салата из водорослей, даже не пытался его приготовить х)

Не хочу заговнить игру, просто хочется чтобы она стала прям конфеткой, ведь потанцевал огромен <3


Привет! Спасибо большое за отзыв, я рад что Вам понравилась игра ;) Работы над версией 0.1 осталось не так много, так что надеюсь в скором времени порадовать Вас обновой ;)

Подписался на вк группу, буду следить там)

where the heck is alices ring i talked to all villagers and nothing 

Hey! You need to check nests, it spawns randomly in one of the nests.


left of the mountain on a tree stump

Also listen for crow sounds.

yes or no, can we complete Bryna's healing leg?

also, character creation for npcs, possible when?

Hey! Yes, you can heal Brynja's leg but you need Healing skill to be at least at level 15. And no, I did not plan char. creation for npcs.

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aight. cool game! good animations!i could pass the camera animation when picking up plants - after a while makes me sick, but enjoing the ladies!

Thank you for your feedback!


@CATINMASK , привет, уважаемый разработчик, скажи, пожалуйста, что делать после того, как торговец в деревне сказал, что они останутся на пару дней еще? ну, это после похода на север, во вторую деревню. Я подождал 2 дня, но ничего не поменялось

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Привет. На данный момент это весь сюжет и на данный момент Вы можете выполнять только повторяющиеся квесты. Я решил не писать в игре что-то типа [Это последний квест...], чтобы не выбивать из погружения. Продолжение сюжета и новые квесты будут в билде 0.1


Это классный проект, давно искал подобный, буду теперь ждать релиза. А еще приятность в мимике персонажей, глаза, уши, губы, классно прям!

Спасибо, рад что Вам понравилась игра ;)


is there three somes?

I'm getting a load error for a missing data folder. However, the data folder is there. Any suggestions?

Hey! Thanks for feedback. I don't know why this happened but you can try this:

That wasn't it. I will have to keep working on it to try and figure it out. I am wondering if maybe it is because I don't have it installed on the main drive with my Windows install. I have a second internal that I use for application installs so the main drive stays free of clutter and can be locked down. It might be a security setting, I will let you know what I find.

Don't forget to unzip it, and don't unzip on your desktop.

Deleted 1 year ago

How do you get water

You need to use the well behind the first house in the village. It will fills the jug (you can find one in the first house) in your inventory.

Deleted 247 days ago

Hey! What do you mean exactly? Animation speed? It's randomly changed during act so the animation does not look monotonous. I'm planning to add ability to change animation's speed manually in future update.

Deleted 247 days ago
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The length of the act depends on your Endurance attribute, so I guess you just have high value and it's not a bad thing. But yeah, maybe I should lower length of the act with high Endurance values. And no worries about Lover skill, you get it's exp during act, not after the act ends.

Also I have some plans to make the act more dynamic by adding new active skills.

Such an amazing work, i loved and want more, so man all i have to say is to keep this amazing and lovely work you've been doing, looking forward for more, thank you.

Hey! Thank you, I'm glad you liked the game and thanks a lot for your feedback :)

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Hey man can you help me with Seaweed Dish/Soup, i got stuck with this quest and can't make the correct recipe kk

Add to the pan: Water, two seaweed, pennybun, potato, onion, carrot. Cook over high heat for 15 minutes.

Thanks 😁

Didn't work :(

Hey! Sorry, I was using older recipe. This works fine (at least if you have enough survival skill)

Was enjoying it until I was out exploring and found a damn bear. It's impossible to kill with only the starter hammer and it follows you TO THE END of the damn map.  I tried luring it to the wolves, to see if they'd fight and I could escape.  Nope, they ALL started following me, to the end of the map. Tried luring them to town to see if the merchant's bodyguard would kill them.  

NOPE!  Just stood there like a moron as I'm getting yeeted by bear and wolves.

I could not escape from them AT ALL.

Immediately uninstalled as that bricked a save I had 2 hours into already.  

Please limit the follow distance of the animals, or make the bodyguard do her damn job...


Hey! Thank you for your feedback. I already know about this problem and it would be fixed in version 0.1. For now all you could do is use more quick saves (you can set up to 5 quick saves) or save manually.

Appreciate the reply  I will wait till it's patched.  I dislike having to rely on constant quicksaves.


But, other than that minor detail, I really enjoyed the game so far.  Kinda need a bed in the MC's house, and a storage chest/working firepit would be great as well.

But all in all, a pretty solid base to work from.

I do hope you plan on expanding the map at some point as the current map is very small.


Hey! I actually almost finished building system and gonna soon upload video-demonstration. So, yes, in future update you can buy your house and add some furniture in it.


One must imagine sisyphus happy

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No, it does not.


im not gonna lie, the stylized name of it, with the pawprint in the "o", looked a lot like a different three letter word starting with F and ending with G


hey great game! how far is the current progress for the quests?
i just got back from the second village, the trader says we will move there soon and Shaartan needs to think about what to do next. No quests left, is this the current end for quests?


Hey, thanks a lot for feedback. Yeap, your finished all non repeatable quests so now you can only do repeatable ones. I'm currently working on adding new quests and improving the old ones, plus I reworked the storyline but still have a lot to do for version 0.1... It's gonna be a really big update so I need some time to finish it. Also I reworked almost all dialogues:


Как запустить ее на правильном мониторе?

Привет. А что значит "правильный монитор"? Если у Вас несколько мониторов, то тогда точно не скажу. У меня один, так что я не сталкивался с такой проблемой


Правильным я назвал монитор, который назначен основным в системе. Все полноэкранные приложения запускаются на нем, кроме этого. Получилось решить проблему так: отключил полноэкранный режим, переместил окно на основной монитор и включил снова. Теперь запускается врожде как на основном. Заметил, что у многих юнити игр есть лаунчер в котором задаются некоторые параметры, в том числе и выбор монитора.

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Yeap, I have plans about that and think maybe that was a mistake

Deleted 1 year ago
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At the moment, using files from old saves is not the best idea...

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Alright, thanks for feedback!

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Hey! Version 0.1 is already in development. And in terms of the volume of content, it will feel to some extent like a new game, you only need to wait a little. If you don't want to wait, you can support the project and try version 0.09.4, but it may spoil the impression of version 0.1 in the future, so it might be better to wait

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  1. You can get private version 0.09.4 on my Boosty;
  2. Version 0.1 would become public but a bit later after private release.
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Deleted 1 year ago

Можете уже сейчас попробовать билд 9.4 в честь дня рождения проекта. У Вас есть всего пару дней, так что поспешите ;)

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Hey! Thanks for your feedback. No worries, I'm not native English speaker too :D

1. Yea, I'm gonna start working on enemy AI soon and fix this problem.
2. When I was adding ores to the map I did not think someone would collect them that fast. I'm gonna fix that ;)
4. New poses would be added in 0.1. Also this skill would allow you to get new perks.
5. Yea, I've already added new recipes and reworked crafting system. There's 23 recipes (including poses and 2 tutorial pages) currently in the game.

Thanks again for your feedback. Version 0.1 would have a lot more content that I described in dev logs, so it would take more time then usual to develop. But on the other hand, many aspects of the game will be completed and the game will finally have a finished base.

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Finished net currently can be used only in quest. After finishing this quest village's piers would be improved and Alice start trading fish and items made of fish. And it's trout in 9.1 build but in 9.4 I've changed it to carp.

Yeap, you can craft bear meat (same as wolf meat) and cook eggs. You can buy some recipes from Alice/Malagdaer/Shaartan or find on game level.

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what happens after alice ring? nobody is giving story quests?

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