New Perk System

Hey, guys! I am ready to inform you that a new perk system has been added to the game, so it's time to say goodbye to the old perk system, as well as to the player's levels!

• A counter of completed player actions has been added to the game. It counts the player's various achievements and awards the player with the new abilities/perks. By the way, maybe it's worth displaying such statistics in the book? For example: the number of defeated opponents, the distance traveled, the number of successful blocks, etc...

• Currently, 30 perks have been added to the game. It's important to understand that the perks will gradually simplify the gameplay, and not radically "break" the balance. So don't count on huge gain values from perks.

• Updated the visual of the perk menu:

the visual of the perk cells has been updated, their size has been balanced, and for convenience, the ability to zoom in and out of the perk tree has been added.

By the way, do you think it's worth adding a notification on how to get perks when you first open the perks menu?

Get Aurora's Fog


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Ждем релиз 1.0 <3

(1 edit)

Релиза 1.0 придётся ждать долго, ибо в планах пока только релиз 0.1...

I loved the way you could solve things in a different way with different stats and skills. Hope it is not effected too much!


Perks and skills are two different thing so yea it won't be effected

Great to hear!